Category Construction Contractor and Customer Dispute Whether They Had a Contract 06.10.24 Can a Builders’ Lien be Registered Against a Landlord if a Tenant Orders the Work? 10.25.23 Project Owner Seeks to Bypass Arbitration Clause and Litigate Matter Before the Court 10.11.23 Court of Appeal Declines to Grant Permission to Appeal Arbitration Award 08.22.23 How Are Registration Deadlines Calculated Under Alberta’s Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act? 06.22.23 How Builders’ Liens and Statutory Trusts Can Impact Project Cash Flows 02.27.23 Town and Homeowner Actions Dismissed due to “Inexcusable and Inordinate Delay” 11.30.22 Construction Law: A Glossary of Terms 11.08.22 The Importance of Clear Contractual Language in Payment Clauses 11.01.22 Are You in Compliance With the New Prompt Payment & Construction Lien Act? 10.20.22 Previous Next 1 2 3
How Are Registration Deadlines Calculated Under Alberta’s Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act? 06.22.23